Male linguistic patterns adopted by Ana Cristina Vera

  • Raúl Sebastián Ramírez Basantes Instituto Comuna. Quito, Ecuador
Keywords: Linguistic patterns, gender, community of practice, stereotype, public sphere


Several communities have taken gender as a fundamental element in the establishment of linguistic patterns. This is the case of the masculine linguistic style, traditionally considered appropriate for correct development in the public sphere. Despite adapting to changes in the social world, the study of these patterns constitutes a starting point for a contextual analysis of gender linguistic characteristics. This article describes the linguistic varieties based on the socio-cultural context of Ana Vera’s communities of practice; a member of the feminist group Surkuna; an organization that watches over the well-being of women; and girls criminalized for having abortions. Their linguistic development is studied in defense of the non-criminalization of abortion due to rape, in a debate proposed by the newspaper  “El Comercio”, facing Carlos Arsenio, representative of pro-life groups. Ana uses male linguistic patterns in similar situations as Carlos, mainly, when she seeks to emphasize; provides data: and defends her speaking time. However, the presence of linguistic patterns, related to collectivity and solidarity, is denoted when describing other women's reality, facing criminalization and rejection. This is an example of the interaction between gender language patterns in a public setting.


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