How to improve communication among students in a language classroom

  • Liliya Harutyunyan


An atmosphere full of conflicts leads to uncertainty; it can even lead to difficulties in relationships and misun­derstanding within the group. It is im­portant to mention that in a classroom where there are too many disagree­ments and unresolved issues, there are problems of self-esteem for some of its members, which may be the cause of aggression towards others and lead to interpersonal conflicts, too. As the envi­ronment in the classroom depends on each student and their attitude, as well as a definition of one´s role within the group, a harmonic environment is con­structed by collaborative and respectful behavior towards oneself and all others.

This project is a design of a pro­gram based on empowerment strate­gies of different pedagogical and psy­chological influences, aimed to improve interpersonal and intrapersonal relation­ships in the classroom. The term empow­erment in this context is understood as increasing an individual’s inner strength to make changes in their personal lives and their environment. The objective of this project is to achieve a peaceful en­vironment and improve communication in the classroom through empowerment techniques. Empowerment techniques in this project include exercises for stu­dents in order to develop their aware­ness about the importance of finding their unique role in the group and acting accordingly to search for a specific atti­tude for each member of the group that will not harm or disturb others; and to learn how to accept others, considering each student’s background.

Escuela Multilingüe de Negocios y Relaciones Internacionales (LEAI)