The language of Maria Paula Romo and Otto Sonnenholzner during the first month of the pandemic

  • Viviana Paladines Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Keywords: Women’s language, men’s language, discourse, pandemic, power


There are many differences between women’s language and men’s language. This continues to be a topic of interest for researchers. Information obtained from investigators has proven that women have their own language, which differs and it is seen as inferior tot men´s language. This study analyzes and describes the differences in the language of two political figures in Ecuador, María Paula Romo and Otto Sonnenholzner, during the early stages of the pandemic, caused by COVID-19.

Based on the observations made on a set of YouTube videos, from interviews and public statements, between March 12th and April 11th, 2020; and through a descriptive analysis, a remark was written, regarding the distinctive elements of gender in speech and language of the aforementioned politicians. 

The results seem to indicate that, in this particular scenario, people who watched the videos preferred Sonnenholzner’s interventions more than Romo’s ones.  This was based on the number of likes and views on each one of the videos. This could also be related to the presence of many characteristics of women’s language in their speech, and also to the use of conversational strategies by Sonnenholzner, whicht reinforce the demonstration of power over women through speech.


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