• Wellington Intriago Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
Keywords: Women’sspeech, Ecuadorian Army, Linguistic repertoire, Military register


According to Tusón (2016), there are two different discursive styles: a female style and a male style. Both of them have been adapted due to the roles that women and men have, historically, played in society. Nevertheless, Lakoff (1981) concludes that this fact happens because of the frequency rather than total presence or absence. This difference is more evident in fields that once were reserved only for men. This is the reason why, this article attempts to determine, whether a higher frequency of women dabbling in military environments influences female language, through aspects, such as: military training, belonging, biases, vernacular forms, among others. On the other hand, the investigations of Coates (1996) and Holmes (1995) conclude that the more polite character of female speech is positively valued as a communicative ability, which shows sensitivity towards the listener's needs. Thus, this descriptive research, which collected data by means of recorded interviews and surveys. will allow us to analyze the usefulness of women's language skills in Ecuadorian military contexts. Finally, this research highlights some aspects that might be taken into account by women who would like to join the military in the future, providing them with useful guidelines that might contribute to a better mainstreaming.


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