Justicia, Redistribución y Reconocimiento: breve análisis conceptual desde Rawls y Fraser

  • Nicolás Puelles Araya Gobierno Regional de Atacama, Consejo Regional de Atacama, Copiapó, Chile


It is common to associate the word "justice" or "social justice" to the discursive figures of political, social and economic actors, especially in those that we observe within our subcontinent; nevertheless, the amplitude of meanings that the word presents -depending on the theoretical conceptions under which they are observed-, it is entirely convenient to unravel the philosophical meanings that surround social justice as concept broken down by the philosophers John Rawls and Nancy Fraser.

Thus, I will review the central elements of the "Theory of Justice" of John Rawls, to then compare them with the concepts of social justice treated by the feminist professor Nancy Fraser, in the book that she wrote jointly with Axel Honneth, called Redistribution or Recognition? and from there to locate the role that justice plays in the hypothetical analysis to which both authors place us. The above, in order to generate an input for the philosophical breakdown of the demands for social justice that have been presented with such force in the era of identity politics in our region.
